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Welcome to the Optoelectronic Polymer Research Group, headed by Professor Jiun-Tai Chen, at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University!!

Our research focuses on understanding and exploiting the synthesis and properties of novel polymer nanostructures and their applications in energy.

We are seeking students interested in polymers and optoelectronic nanomaterials to join our group.

Award (more)
Prof. Jiun-Tai Chen and the team led by Hsun-Hao Hsu received the Future Tech Award from the Ministry of Science and Technology on October 16, 2021.

Cover Story (more)


Review Paper

Jiun-Tai Chen, Chain-Shu Hsu, "Conjugated polymer nanostructures for organic solar cell applications", Polymer Chemistry, 2011, 2, 2707-2722 (Invited Review)

Jiun-Tai Chen Group | http://jtchen.lab.nycu.edu.tw | Last updated: 10/23/2024