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  2020/08/27 Group Trip to Yilan
  We went to Yian for a two-day group trip.
  2020/01/21 Year End Meeting and Group Tour, Taichung
  We went to Taichung city for our year end meeting and group tour. There were presentations, night activities, and Karaoke.
  2019/01/18 Annual Meeting of the Polymer Society, Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology
  We went to the 2019 annual meeting of the polymer society meeting held at Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology in Tainan.
  2018/01/12 Annual Meeting of the Polymer Society, National Taipei University of Technology
  We went to the 2018 annual meeting of the polymer society meeting held at National Taipei University of Technology in Taipei.
  2017/01/13 Annual Meeting of the Polymer Society, National Chung Hsing University
  We went to the 2017 annual meeting of the polymer society meeting held at National Chung Hsing University in Taichung.
  2016/08/25 Two Day Trip in Yilan: Earth Oven & National Center for Traditional Arts
  We had a two day trip during the summer. During the trip, we went to a farm for earth oven. We also went to the Natioanl Center for Traditional Arts and had some fun on the beach.
  2016/07/19&10/19 PhD and Master Thesis Defenses
  Tyng-Yow, I-Chun, Mu-Huan, and Chia-Hua successfuly defended their theses. We went to the bistro EISEN restaurant for a group dinner.
  2016/06/04 Graduation Ceremony at National Chiao Tung University
  The graduates attended the graduation ceremony at National Chiao Tung University.
  2016/04/09 Group Dinner with Alumni
  We held a group dinner with alumni at at the Changchang Restaurant.
  2016/02/03 Year End Meeting and Group Dinner
  We held the year end group meeting before the winter break.
  2016/01/29 Annual Meeting of the Polymer Society, National Cheng Kung University
  We went to the 2016 annual meeting of the polymer society meeting held at National Cheng Kung University in Tainan.
  2015/10/17 Paintball Game, Barbeque, & Go-Car
  We had a group barbecue at Nei Wan and played the Paintball Game and Go Car.
  2015/09/28 Chen-Wei's Visiting Kyushu University
  Chien-Wei was awarded the Schlorship for Oustanding Master's and Doctoral Students to Do Overseas Short-term Research, and he visited Professor Takahara's group at Kyushu University in Japan for 3 months.
  2015/08/14 BASF International Summer Courses
  Mu-Huan was awarded the BASF Taiwan Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award and selected to attend the BASF International Summer Courses 2015 in Germany
  2015/07/02 PhD and Master Thesis Defenses
  Chia-Chan, Yu-Jing and Kai-Sheng successfuly defended their theses. Later that night, we went Yu Shen Yuan Shanghai Food for a group dinner.
  2015/04/11 Group Reunion at Yummy Restaurant
  We went to Yummy Restaurant for the group reunion. The past members from the group came back.
  2015/01/30 Annual Meeting of the Polymer Society, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
  We went to the 2015 annual meeting of the polymer society meeting held at National Taiwan University of Scinece and Technology in Taipei.
  2014/08/29 Sky Lantern in Pingxi & Cycling and Beach in Fulong
  We had a two day trip during the summer. On the first day, we went to Pingxi, which is famous for its sky lantern activity. On the second day, we went to Fulong for cycling and having some fun on the beach.
  2014/07/03 Master Thesis Defenses
  Po-Hsi, Chiang-Jui, and Yi-Hui successfuly defended their Master theses. Later that night, we went Sallowy Coffee for a group dinner.
  2014/01/23 Annual Group Party at Mr. Onion Restaurant
  We celebrated our annual group party at Mr. Onion Restaurant.
  2014/01/10 Annual Meeting of the Polymer Society, Tunghai University
  We went to the 2014 annual meeting of the polymer society meeting held at Tunghai University in Taichung .
  2013/08/30 Thai Food, Bowling, Beach Fun
  We went to "Thai-Fusion Restaurant" for lunch and played Bowling in the afternoon. Finally, we enjoyed walking on the New Moon beach in Jubei.
  2013/01/25 Annual Meeting of the Polymer Society, National Chung Cheng University
  We went to the 2013 annual meeting of the polymer society meeting held at National Chung Cheng University in Chiayi.
  2012/08/13 Group Barbeque& Go-Car
  During the summer, we had a group barbecue and played the exciting Go-cars at Nei Wan.
  2012/07/12 Master Thesis Defenses
  Ping-Wen, Wan-Ling, Chih-Wei, and Yu-Chieh successfuly defended their Master theses. Later that night, we went I'm Italian Kitechen for a group dinner.
  2012/01/17 Annual Meeting of the Polymer Society, Chung Yuan Christian University
  We went to the 2012 annual meeting of the polymer society meeting held at Chung Yuan Christian University in Chung Li.
  2012/01/15 Group Karaoke Television (KTV)
  Before the Chinese New Year, we went to KTV in Hsinchu.
  2011/09/08 Group Barbecue & Paintball Game
  Before the Mid-Autumn Festival, we had a group barbecue at Nei Wan and played the Paintball Game.
  2010/09/28 Group Birthday
  We celebrated the very first group birthday before the group meeting.
  2010/09/07 Group Dinner
  We had a group dinner at Magic Curry Restaurant.



Jiun-Tai Chen Group | http://jtchen.lab.nycu.edu.tw | Last updated: 10/23/2024