2013/08/30 Thai Food, Bowling, & Beach Fun 2013/08/30 泰國菜, 保齡球, & 新月沙灘 Enjoy Thai food for lunch in the "Thai-Fusion Restaurant". 中午先去"泰風尚" 泰國料理店聚餐。 Our favorite dish is the "Three Flavors Fish Fillet". 我們的最愛是"三味 魚 片 "。 The winner of the first game of the "2013 JTC Bowling Cup" is Mu-Huan Chi. 第一局後來由慕桓拿到最高分。 The winner of the second game and the final chamion is Kai-Sheng Zeng. 凱聲後來拿了第二局的最高分,也獲得"2013年JTC盃保齡球大賽"總冠軍。 Group photo with balls. 拿著保齡球合照。 Later, we arrive the New Moon Beach in Juibei. 之後,我們到了竹北的新月沙灘。 Walking on the beach. 沙灘上散步。 Group Meeting on the beach. 沙灘上開組會。 Prof. Chen is preparing the sand balls from the bottom-up approach. 陳老師正在製備"沙球"。 Monolayers of sand balls. (Not by self-assembly) 單層沙球排列。 Sand balls wetted by the sea water. (By the way, we love wetting) 沙球被海水潤濕了。 Group photo on the beach . 新月沙灘合照。 Kick-away. 欺負專題生。 Group Jump 。 跳越高越早畢業。 We will remember our day on the beach. 令人懷念的一天。
2013/08/30 Thai Food, Bowling, & Beach Fun 2013/08/30 泰國菜, 保齡球, & 新月沙灘
2013/08/30 Thai Food, Bowling, & Beach Fun
2013/08/30 泰國菜, 保齡球, & 新月沙灘
Enjoy Thai food for lunch in the "Thai-Fusion Restaurant". 中午先去"泰風尚" 泰國料理店聚餐。 Our favorite dish is the "Three Flavors Fish Fillet". 我們的最愛是"三味 魚 片 "。 The winner of the first game of the "2013 JTC Bowling Cup" is Mu-Huan Chi. 第一局後來由慕桓拿到最高分。 The winner of the second game and the final chamion is Kai-Sheng Zeng. 凱聲後來拿了第二局的最高分,也獲得"2013年JTC盃保齡球大賽"總冠軍。 Group photo with balls. 拿著保齡球合照。 Later, we arrive the New Moon Beach in Juibei. 之後,我們到了竹北的新月沙灘。 Walking on the beach. 沙灘上散步。 Group Meeting on the beach. 沙灘上開組會。 Prof. Chen is preparing the sand balls from the bottom-up approach. 陳老師正在製備"沙球"。 Monolayers of sand balls. (Not by self-assembly) 單層沙球排列。 Sand balls wetted by the sea water. (By the way, we love wetting) 沙球被海水潤濕了。 Group photo on the beach . 新月沙灘合照。 Kick-away. 欺負專題生。 Group Jump 。 跳越高越早畢業。 We will remember our day on the beach. 令人懷念的一天。
Enjoy Thai food for lunch in the "Thai-Fusion Restaurant".
中午先去"泰風尚" 泰國料理店聚餐。
Our favorite dish is the "Three Flavors Fish Fillet".
我們的最愛是"三味 魚 片 "。
The winner of the first game of the "2013 JTC Bowling Cup" is Mu-Huan Chi.
The winner of the second game and the final chamion is Kai-Sheng Zeng.
Group photo with balls.
Later, we arrive the New Moon Beach in Juibei.
Walking on the beach.
Group Meeting on the beach.
Prof. Chen is preparing the sand balls from the bottom-up approach.
Monolayers of sand balls.
(Not by self-assembly)
Sand balls wetted by the sea water. (By the way, we love wetting)
Group photo on the beach .
Group Jump 。
We will remember our day on the beach.