2016/08/25-26 Two Day Trip: Earth Oven & National Center for Traditional Arts in Yilan
2016/08/25-26 兩天一夜之旅: 宜蘭 農場烘窯、民宿&傳藝中心
We meet together at a restaurant in Yilan.
所有人搭火車或開車於宜蘭餐廳集合。 |
The beef noodle in this restaurant is very famous.
這家餐廳的特色是有大鍋的牛肉麵。 |
We then go to the Guang Shing Leisure Farm.
吃完午餐就到附近的廣興休閒農場。 |
Preparing the earth oven.
大家合作製作烘窯。 |
Adding firewood to heat the soil blocks.
加柴火使土塊變熱。 |
While we are waiting, we play walking on stilts and the three-people-six-feet game.
趁等待空檔來玩玩踩高翹與三人六腳遊戲。 |
There is also the difficlut pitch-pot game.
另外還有挺困難的投壺遊戲。 |
After the soil blocks are hot enough, yam, meat, and other food are placed inside, which will be steamed by the hot vapor.
土塊夠熱之後,再把地瓜跟肉等食物放入,利用熱氣蒸熟。 |
Waiting time again. We go to the small store in the farm to play to Kokomu Game.
又是等待時間,去農場的小商店玩敲敲木遊戲。 |
Food is ready. We can start eating.
食物都熟了,可以吃啦!! |
This farm is full of fun and laughter.
真是個有趣的農場。 |
In the evening, we go to the famous Luo Dong Night Market to enjoy the night snack.
傍晚就先到著名的羅東夜市吃小吃。 |
The Red Bean Boba in the night market is also a good choice.
羅東夜市裡的包心粉圓也不錯。 |
After going back to the Bed and Breakfast, we use Karoake and play board games. One board game, Rummikub, is a fun number game similar to Mahjong.
晚上回到民宿去唱卡啦ok與玩桌遊,其中拉密(Rummikub)是個類似麻將的好玩數字桌遊。 |
Staying in Bed and Breakfast is a great experience.
住民宿是個很棒的經驗。 |
The next day we go to the National Center for Traditional Arts.
隔天一早去宜蘭傳統藝術中心。 |
We can stroll arond the old streets.
有傳統老街可以逛。 |
Yu-Jing plays the Poking Fun.
俞靜玩戳戳樂。 |
We have the prinited group photo.
印出來的合照照片。 |
Seafood for lunch .
午餐吃海鮮。 |
The Suao beach.
來到蘇澳海灘。 |
Group photo on the beach.
海灘上合照。 |
Jumping on the beach.
海灘上跳起來。 |