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2020/01/21 Year End Meeting and Group Tour, Taichung

2020/01/21 實驗室去台中進行兩天一夜年終大咪




Lunch before the year end meeting. The new undergradueates are introduced.





Everyone present his/her annual report and future plan in English.





Mark presents an interesting paper about the future of the JTC polymer group. LoL.

馬克報告了一個關於JTC polymer group的有趣paper,真不錯。




Group photo after all the presentations.






Dinner at the Thai Town Cuisine. The sub-groups for the new undergraduate students are announced. Everyone's handgesture menas the tenth annerversity of the JTC group.






After the exciting table games, we go ousdie to ignite the sparklers, showing the symmpools of LOVE and JTC Lab.

晚上玩完狼了殺後,大家到民宿外面用仙女棒畫出。LOVE. JTC LAB.




The next day, we go to Karaoke and sing songs, ending the fruitful two days.










Jiun-Tai Chen Group | http://jtchen.lab.nycu.edu.tw | Last updated: 10/23/2024