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"Elctrospinning & Electrospraying Where do we go from here?" by Prof. Seeram Ramakrishna

附註: 電紡絲




"Patchy particles with beautiful ordered structures" by Prof. David Pine (NYU)

附註: 將高分子微球官能化(functionalization),使其自組裝。

Dripping, Jetting, Drops and Wetting: The Magic of Microfluidics" by Prof. David Weitz (Harvard)

附註: 利用微流道(microfluids)製備高分子等微球。


研究相關推薦影片-Block Copolymer


Block Copolymers to Monodisperse Nanocrystals by Prof. Zhiqun Lin.

附註:Block Copolymer, Nanocrystal相關

Assemble Styrofoam for Nanodevices by Prof. Ting Xu

附註:Block Copolymer Thin Film 相關

Directed Self Assembly at the Nano Scale by Prof. Juan de Pablo

附註: Direced Assem-Assembly of Block Copolymers 相關

"Living Self Assembly" by Prof. Ian Manners

附註: Synthesis and Assembly of Block Copolymers 相關

"Nano and Micro-Structured Polymer Materials" by Prof. Zhihong Nie

附註: Block Copolymer + Au 相關

Templated self-assembly of block copolymer thin films under lithographic confinement by Dr. Hyung Wan Do

附註: Block Copolymer in Confinement相關


2020 年 高分子物理 加分題 最後提示 :請看上方之影片(by Dr. Hyung Wang Do),找出他所用的block copolymer後,再上網查出其Flory-Huggins parameter (X)的值?並將此答案 於18:00 前寄給助教。 <chemistry.ac05@nctu.edu.tw>




Jiun-Tai Chen Group | http://jtchen.lab.nycu.edu.tw | Last updated: 10/23/2024